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Resizing the EFI partition while installing Windows

When installing Windows, it makes a small 100MB EFI partition. While this is good enough when running just Windows, from my experience it’s too little for dualbooting. This guide will show you how to make a bigger one.

There are probably better ways for doing this, but here’s how I do it :

  1. Make sure there are no partitions made, delete any if they exist.
  2. Create a new partition. You should have four new partitions : Recovery, System, MSR and Primary.
  3. Select all of them except the recovery one and delete them.
  4. Open up a command prompt by pressing Shift+F10.
  5. Launch diskpart.exe.
  6. Type in “list disk” to list your disks.
  7. Type in “select disk X” where X is the number of the disk you want to install to.
  8. Type in “create partition efi size=X” where X is the size you want in MiB.
  9. Type in “format quick fs=fat32 label=System” to format the newly created partition.
  10. Type “exit” twice to exit from diskpart and the command prompt.
  11. Click the refresh button. Check if the partition was made.

If all goes well, you should now have a resized EFI partition. You can now go ahead and install Windows like usual.

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